May 4, 2007 Forum
主题: 北大-美国-成功人生
金榜题名, 事业有成-成功是否只有这样一种注解?
几经挫折, 转行创业 – 选择永不放弃还是退一步海阔天空?
远离家园, 漂泊万里 – 三言两语道不尽甜酸苦辣
北大, 美国, 成功,幸福- 共享每个人不同的独特经历
巴素娟, COO & CSO, National Foundation for Cancer Research
陈话, Entrepreneur, 盈美高科创始人
崇艺农, Director, Traditional Chinese Culture LLC
刘江, Scientist, Army Research Laboratory
刘源, Chief of the International Activities, Program Director, National Institute of Health
杨静立/李宏诚, Founder & CEO, Earth Resources Technologies
马力宏, President & CEO, Cleverex Systems Inc.
In order to celebrate the 109th anniversary of our alma mater and help our alumni define their career and life, the Alumni Association organized the May-4 Forum titled “From Beida to the US – the Path to Success” on May 5 . During the forum, successful alumni from various career background, including Dr. Sujuan Ba (COO & CSO, National Foundation for Cancer Research), Dr. Hua Chen (Enterpreneur, EMedia Technologies, Ltd.), Dr. Jon Liu (Scientist, US Army Research Laboratory), Dr. Yuan Liu (Chief of International Activities, Program Director, National Institute of Health), Dr. Hongcheng Li (President, Earth Resources Technologies Inc), Mr. Lihong Ma (President & CEO, Cleverex Systems Inc.), and Dr. Yinong Chong (Director of Traditional Chinese Culture LLC), told their personal stories and gave useful tips to our alumni on the definition of success and the approaches towards success. Sharing the Beida and US experiences, all attendees of the forum have benefited a lot from each other.