COVID-19 pandemic has arrived at everyone’s doorsteps.
It fundamentally changed our way of life, stress-testing us from all angles: the skyrocketing numbers do not seem to peak anytime soon, restricted mobility raises emotional anxiety, working from home requires constantly balancing family obligations with job duties (if a job is still in place), and when running errands, we still debate whether to wear a face mask or not. As each US state enforces a “Stay at Home” order and as the US became the No.1 country with most reported cases, everyone is experiencing an unprecedented life under quarantine.
Chinese Americans and overseas Chinese are “veterans” since the very beginning of this global combat against COVID-19. In the first round, Peking University Alumni Association-DC Chapter (PUAA-DC) accomplished many “heavy-liftings”: we raised funds and in-kind donations from alums, vetted qualified personal protective equipment (PPE) suppliers, aligned multi-mode logistics, made direct contacts at major airlines and courier services, helped clear US and Chinese customs, and received assistance from the Chinese Embassy. Over $50,000 raised translated to one Thermo Fisher Scientific Quant Studio5 PCR system for the newly built Huo Shen Shan hospital (jointly with three other organizations), 783 units of non-contact forehead thermometers and 499 units of pulse oximeters for 505 communities in Wuhan to assist community screening. Meanwhile, worldwide Peking University alumni wove together an extensive logistical net that enabled PUAA-DC to assist other socially conscious companies and institutions to make targeted and timely donations to Wuhan hospitals at the frontier.
There was no time to spare before the second round hit. Volunteers heard emergency calls from alumni families and responded quickly to procure household protection equipment. Based on the “new skills” acquired in the first round - namely supplier sourcing, quality control, and logistics coordination - within two weeks they managed to ship hundreds of thousands of non-medical graded masks to several metropolitan locations and distributed to hundreds of families.
Before the volunteers could catch their breath, news broke that multiple hot zones in the US were in dire need of PPEs for medical staff and first responders. Many alumni donated their newly purchased masks to local hospitals and police stations, but it was far from enough. Out of obligations to their local communities and out of broad love, a new league of volunteers quickly assembled for COVID-19 combat 2.0.
A similar process ensued: fund raising, supplier sourcing, gauging the needs of DMV hospitals, and ensuring timely transportation against a much-reduced air traffic capacity. As the outreach to local Chinese American communities expanded, mission-focused WeChat groups were formed, including a fund raising group, a procurement group, a hospital outreach group and a media group.
But round two comes with its unique set of challenges. Medical equipment is strictly regulated in the US; the laws are detailed and overly complex. As the situation worsens, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issues daily roundups and revises Emergency Utility Authorization guidelines weekly. KN95 from China was first excluded, then included and now needs to be classified separately. To keep abreast with the fluid situation, PUAA-DC volunteers had to browse the FDA and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)’s websites frequently. On the other hand, needs at hospitals fluctuate by the hour, volunteers of the hospital group need to stay on top of communication. Everyday, manufacturers from various brands submit product specifications and certifications for evaluation; volunteers in the procurement group need to learn the ropes fast and apply strict screening process to let medical professionals make effective decisions.
Consolidation amasses greater resources than pieces combined. PUAA-DC quickly partnered with like-minded non-profit organizations, including Chinese Americans Support Hospitals (CASH) – a community group in DC metro area – Hope Chinese school main campus, Chinese Fellowship Association in DC metro area, Washington DC Chinese Volunteer Platform and Stepping Stones Foundation. Information is shared and efforts are coordinated. Every member has the same goal in mind: supporting the community, helping others, and contributing to the country we call home.
Through tireless work and coordination, the CASH group secured 112,500 FDA certified disposable medical surgical masks which arrived DC on April 3rd, 2020. Over the weekend, volunteers were busy sorting and dividing the masks to its designated hospitals. PUAA-DC dropped off 3,000 masks to the Clinical Center of National Institute of Health (NIH) on Monday, April 6, 2020. The Center is busy developing COVID-19 vaccine and running the clinical trial. It is critical to keep the frontline medical staff and researchers safe.
本着集中力量办大事的原则,校友志愿者很快联络了华府华人支援医院民间群体(CASH, Chinese Americans Support Hospitals)、希望中文学校总校,大华府同乡会,美国华府华人志愿者平台,铺路石基金等多家华人公益团体。几个团队在过去的几周里,互通信息,共享货源,协调医院分配及联系。大家的出发点是一致的:帮助社区,助人即助己,通过捐赠,提升华人在社区的形象和影响力。
由CASH团体联系并采购到11万余副有FDA认证的一次性医用外科口罩(surgical mask) ,于2020年4月3日抵达华府。经过协商,其中北大华府校友会出资的三千副医用外科口罩,于周一2020年4月6日捐赠到美国国家卫生研究院临床医院(NIH Clinical Center)。该医院是国家级别的研究医院,正在为新冠病毒的临床治疗及研究加紧奋战。该临床医院的医护及研究人员急需口罩等防护品。